Yellow putting circle almost aligned to the hole : inside of the ring on the side closest to the hole.Green putting cirlcle far from the hole : center aim or in small circles close to the side closest to the hole.If you`re having trouble too, just use these guides to setup before using the putt preview. I had some trouble aligning my setup to the hole to get those eagles and birdies going at first because EA changed the green reading a bit. Since it's so easy to clear this part out you can probably finish it in the trail period.
Don't put in your online pass code or start your free trial until you're ready for the online part of the game.Always win “The Masters” and “The FEDEX Cup” in each season.Sinking long putts without boosting the green reads gives you an achievement as well. I didn't use the boost green read option to keep my boost up for when I really needed it when I was playing on pro.

If you can't finish a sponsor challenge for an achievement yet, simply change to another sponsor to work on that and swap it back just before you start a major event. You need to win on these events with a sponsor level 4 for some achievements

Also, copy your save game to a usb flashdrive before you're going to skip some events to go back to it when needed! Check your points and rank on ‘Road to the Masters -> My carreer -> EA sports golf rankings’ and don't simulate those 3 or 4 star tournaments or when the 2 nd on the list is really close. You can skip events to speed things up after clearing all the sponsor challenges, but be aware that you need to stay in first place.When you've completed all the sponsor challenges and you just need to play through for the last couple of achievements use the speed play option (press Y) after every shot to speed things up.Be aware that you need to play in a major with some sponsors to get some achievements but you can always swap back to a completed sponsor just before an major. Max out a sponsor completely and then immediately swap to the next one to speed things up a bit.